FEMA registration is ALWAYS the first step:
You can apply online at: Disasterassistance.gov
or you can call 800-621-3362.
711/VRS users can also call 800-621-3362
Be sure to register with FEMA as you begin the process for disaster assistance. FEMA will need:
Social security number.
Pre-disaster damaged address.
Current mailing address.
Current telephone number.
Insurance information.
Total household annual income.
Description of losses that were caused by the disaster.
And if you want disaster assistance funds transfer directly into your bank account, your bank routing and account numbers.
FEMA basic requirements:
Damage must have been directly caused by the declared disaster.
The damage residence must have been your primary residence at the time of the disaster.
FEMA must be able to verify your identity.
FEMA must be able to verify your home ownership or rental occupancy.
Assistance for your disaster caused damage or needs cannot be duplicated by insurance or other sources.
The person who applies for the household must be a US citizen, I noncitizen national, or qualified alien.
When a family or household has members with varying citizenship status, assistance may be available if at least one household member, including a child, is a US citizen, non-citizen national or a qualified alien.
Students may be eligible for rental assistance based on whether the student applicant is independent and their housing is their primary residence.
FEMA Substantial Damage Estimator Tool.
FEMA uses the term "substantial damage" to trigger a review of compliance with building code requirements applied to damaged buildings in flood hazard areas.
Those requirements are:
The current community floodplain management regulations, and
The flood provisions of the International Codes.
Substantial damage does not trigger all building code requirements for new construction.
Buildings must comply with flood provisions when the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
Click FloodSmart.gov for Official Site of the National Flood Insurance Program
The following are a range of video’s providing information about a range of FEMA related subjects.